Early in my collegiate career I became obsessed with motor racing, partially through an absorption of the hobby from friends, but also through films like Grand Prix and Rush. I loved the films for being able to tell such intricate and beautiful stories through the discipline of racing-really they were no different than other great sports films except that the sport was much more exciting.

Motorsport is great to me for possessing a genuine need of teamwork and collaboration. All efforts are unified in creating a machine that will outlast and outrun the competition. When good things happen, everyone feels it, and vice versa.

I had the opportunity to tell such a story with my university’s racing team, NYU Motorsports. I started filming in August of 2023 and didn’t stop until May of this year, when fellow team-member and filmmaker Alastair Man took over to film the national competition while I walked for graduation. It has been, above all things, an incredible learning experience as the most ambitious solo project I have undertaken.